I mainly keep this site for my own reference, but feel free to look around! Maybe you'll find something you like. I'm still getting this site up and running, but it's officially functional - I just haven't added much yet.
When I get around to it, "Stuff" is gonna be the actual, well, stuff. Things actually hosted on this website, whether that's a web diary, recipes, playlists, or creative writing. I haven't settled that yet. "Index" is where I'll have all my links to various websites. Finagling the organization will be a bitch and a half, but I'll be slowly adding to the collection. "Meta" is housekeeping stuff like the sitemap, credits, and a changelog. I might add another section eventually, depending on how things shake out in "Stuff" and "Index". It'll come in its time.
Don't know where to start? Check out my Sitemap and see if anything catches your fancy, or maybe peruse some of the websites that inspired me.