Heyo, I'm sarge! I don't like capitalizing only the first letter of my name, and SARGE is very forceful, so I pretty much only write my name in all lowercase. I guess that's a fun fact about me.
In my free time, I like to read, play games, and listen to music. Somehow my collection of books and CDs keeps growing every time I turn my back... I'm sure I had nothing to do with it. I can watch movies, but have a hard time dedicating myself to watching a TV show that goes for more than a couple seasons unless I'm REALLY into it. I like creating but haven't found anything in particular that draws me, yet.
I have three darling, devious pets: my clever little puppy, Gir, who is going on 13 and will likely not be with us much longer; my cat, Zoe, who enjoys climbing up counters and trying to escape to the great outdoors; and my other cat, River, who is a bit more reticent yet has a regal air about her. Zoe and River are about 2 years old, so I have many years of mischief yet to look forward to. At some point I'll put pictures of the three of them here, because they're simply too adorable not to share.
They say a picture is worth a thousand words. I don't know exactly what these buttons and badges are saying about me, but I'm sure it's all very flattering. The only one I made is the firefly button, the rest are from one of the sites linked in "Credits" or resurrected from the depths of my hard drive.